Later on I may make the console version start menu for EFLC. NOTE: This is only for the GTA IV loading screens as TLAD, and TBOGT ones on the PC are the same as the console versions. If you start in a different spot thats not Niko behind the crates then use the common folder found in the folder "If Niko is not behind the crates use this instead).

For some reason the PC version switches the two of them. Reversed the flags INITITAL_MAIN and LAST_INGAME from the console version (Reason why is so it starts in the right spot with Niko behind the crates.

Reguler PC legal screens and Rockstar logos (so music plays during Rockstar Logos) dat files to the PC version so they played properly) Both reguler and ingame loading screans.įixes: (basicly adapted the. Animations were ported directly from the console version. Textures ported directly from the console version. This mod will port the loading screens from the Xbox 360, and PS3 versions to the PC version. If anyone could help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated and I would love to play online with you anytime on San Andreas.Disclaimer: Although we make every effort to ensure the validity of submissions to the GTAGarage database, GTANet cannot accept responsibility for the contents of user submitted files. I also have alot of car mod's not working (aka any car I put with the Tornado never spawns) and a couple of other mods. The game doesn't run slow even with the resolution on maximum and the graphics quality on maximum. I'm running a dual core gateway laptop with the following specs: GTA San Andreas - What Happens If You Follow The Orange Loading Screen Character (Secret Cutscene)Subscribe. I don't have too many mod's but a medium amount of them. GTA San Andreas - What Happens If You Follow The Orange Loading Screen Character. I do have some mod's, only car ones though but what I found was weird was the first Island (Los Santos) specifically in the City Area would load and have no texture problems, yet any where else would be really crappy and mediocre with the textures.

Textures not loading (Roads disappearing, buildings disappearing, textures not loading Textures semi loading, with really mediocre graphics (No Details, only outlines) Textures fully loaded, then disappearing, then flashing in and out I plan on buying the new one but not until I've figured out the problem with the game. Hey, sorry about bugging people on here with my simple minded problem, but recently I have downloaded a cracked version of San Andreas and I've been having quite a bit of difficulty with it.